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    Scientific Society. Shevchenko (NTSh) - the first Ukrainian national academy of sciences.

  In 1873, when the Society had just begun its work, it was known as the Shevchenko Literary Society.

  In march 1892 it became the Shevchenko Scientific Society It was created in Lviv on the initiative of scientists of eastern Ukraine led by Oleksandr Konysky.

  The intellectual and organizational core of NTSh during the very fruitful stage of activity was created by the "golden trinity" represented by M. Hrushevsky (chairman of the Society, historian), Ivan Franko (chairman of the Philological Section) and Volodymyr Hnatyuk (scientific secretary, research interests - folklore and ethnography).

    From the very beginning of its existence, the society started publishing books of Ukrainian literature on its own printing base. The special role of the Society in the formation of leading national magazines should be considered: the daily newspaper "Dilo" (since 1880), the biweekly "Zorya" (1885-1897) and "Literary and Scientific Bulletin" (1898-1913). The main serial edition of NTSh during all periods of its existence became "Notes of NTSh" (ZNTSh) founded in 1892, to the development of which Mykhailo Hrushevsky especially contributed (107 volumes of ZNTSh were published under the editorship of M. Hrushevsky). In addition to ZNTSh, a number of other serial publications have also been launched. In 1895 a serial collection "

    In 1897, for the first time in the history of the Ukrainian people, a Ukrainian-language serial publication in the field of natural and technical sciences appeared - "Collection of the Mathematical-Natural-Medical Section", and then separately "Medical Collection". In these publications, leading figures of NTSh laid the foundations of Ukrainian scientific, medical and technical terminology. In 1898 Volodymyr Hnatiuk was elected secretary, and in 1913 chairman, of the Ethnographic Commission of the Shevchenko Scientific Society. From 1899 he was also the secretary of the NTSh Philological Section. Hnatiuk was also an editor of and contributor to several NTSh serials: Khronika NTSh (66 issues in Ukrainian, 59 in German), Etnohrafichnyi zbirnyk (ez, 22 vols), and Materiialy do ukraïns’koï etnolohiï (20 vols). While he was its general secretary, the NTSh reached the peak of its development, becoming the equivalent of an academy of sciences. Edited by Volodymyr Hnatiuk, the scientific secretary of the NTSh, an information quarterly on the activities of the NTSh Chronicle Society began to be published in 1900, in both Ukrainian and German.

    The society had its own printing house, book collection and three museums, published 1173 volumes of works, had 20 commissions with 333 scientists, among whom were foreign ones, such as: A. Einstein, M. Planck, T. Masaryk. In 1939 the Society ceased its work in Ukraine. He resumed his work in 1947 in Western Europe, the United States, Canada and Australia, where he was known as the Shevchenko Scientific Society. Only forty years later, in 1989, NTSh returned to Ukraine.

According to the materials https://photo-lviv.in.uahttp://ntsh.org/history

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