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Competition for the Volodymyr Hnatiuk Folklore Prize

   In 1987, a regional competition of performers of folklore, best traditions, folk rites and customs for the V. M. Hnatiuk Prize was introduced in Ternopil region. He contributed to the spread of authentic forms of folk singing and music, the emergence of original groups and soloists, opened a wide panorama of genre diversity of calendar - ritual repertoire, ethnographic costumes, without which a holistic true image of Ukrainian life is impossible.


1989 - Medvedek Dmitry Kostyovich

1996 - Cheremshinsky Ostap Stepanovych

According to the materials: http://ukrainka.org.ua/node/7402; https://irp.te.ua


Ternopil Regional Prize named after Volodymyr Hnatiuk

  In 2005, the Ternopil Regional Hnatiuk Prize for the Preservation and Protection of Intangible Cultural Heritage was established. Ternopil Regional Prize named after Volodymyr Hnatiuk is a regional prize of Ternopil Region. It was founded in honor of ethnographer, folklorist, linguist, literary critic, art critic, translator and public figure Volodymyr Hnatiuk. New original works and works published (published) in the final form during the last five years, but not later than six months before their nomination for prizes, are submitted for the awards.

  The winners are paid a monetary part of the prize in the amount of 10 thousand hryvnias. In the case of awarding the prize to the team of authors of the work, all winners are awarded diplomas, and the monetary part of the prize is divided equally between them.


2008 - Vira Stetsko for the popular science publication "Pinzel and Ternopil Region".

2010 - Alexander Smik

2011 - Mykhailo Sokhatsky for creating a museum exposition in the Verteba Cave, Borshchiv District

- Oleg Polivka for local lore research by means of philately "City of Berezhany in names"

2013 - Volodymyr Birchak, Orest Savka for the exposition "Historical and Memorial Museum of Political Prisoners"

2014 - Nadiya Holod, Mykola Protsiv, Natalia Boyko

2015 - Natalia Sobkovych for a series of anniversary art publications dedicated to the 100th anniversary of Ukrainian-American artist Yakov Gnizdovsky

2016 - Oleg Smolyak for the collection "Shchedrivka of Western Podillya"

2017 - Volodymyr Okarynsky for the book "Ternopil: city, people, history (from antiquity to 1991)"

2018 - Lesya Gapon for the monograph "Linguistic Heritage of Yaroslav-Bohdan Rudnytsky"

According to the materials  :  https://uk.wikipedia.orghttp://tnpu.edu.uahttp://tnpu.edu.uahttps://irp.te.ua


All-Ukrainian award named after V. M. Hnatiuk for the preservation and protection of intangible cultural heritage

premi  To support and promote achievements in ethnography and ethnology, the Ministry of Culture of Ukraine has established an annual award named after V.M. Hnatyuk "For the preservation and protection of intangible cultural heritage."

  The prize has been awarded since 2006 to enthusiastic collectors, folklorists, ethnographers, researchers, folk groups, soloists, vocalists, instrumentalists, dancers, masters and leaders of children's creative schools of folk arts and crafts, whose activities contribute to the implementation and preservation of culture.

  The V. M. Hnatiuk Prize for the Preservation and Protection of the Intangible Cultural Heritage, established by the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine of August 31, 2005 No. 841, was awarded annually.

  The award is given for the birthday of Volodymyr Mykhailovych Hnatiuk - May 9, annually in the amount of 5 thousand hryvnias. Applicants' creative work must be published within the last three years, but not later than three months before their nomination for the Prize, have positive reviews in art and scientific literature (periodicals) and the media.

Prize provisions: file 1, file 2, file 3, file 4

Premia1  Winners are awarded a badge. People working at enterprises and organizations are made a corresponding entry in the record book with the date and number of the order of the Ministry of Culture of Ukraine.

  The Order "On approval of the Regulations on the V. M. Hnatiuk Prize for the preservation and protection of intangible cultural heritage" has expired on the basis of the Order of the Ministry of Culture N 438 z0735-17 from 22.05.2017
2006 - Cheremshinsky Ostap Stepanovych

2007 - Kovalchuk Victor Pavlovich

2010 - Oshurkevich Oleksa Fedorovich

2011 - Listunova Liana Olehivna, Pavlenko Ivan Yakymovych, Iryna Sviontek

2012 - Anatoliy Zaturyan

According to the materials  ips.ligazakon.net ; zakon.rada.gov.ua ; mkkm.edu.ua ; www.if.gov.ua


A holiday of folk crafts and folklore

  In 1977, the beginning of the regional festival of crafts, when the masters of decorative and applied arts and fine arts demonstrated their products during the festival of flowers. In 1980, folk and folklore groups joined the folk craftsmen. Since then, this artistic event has been called the "Festival of Folk Crafts and Folklore."

Premii  In 2008, during the regional festival of folk crafts and folklore, a competition of folklore performers for the Volodymyr Hnatiuk Prize was also held.

  In 2016, a festival of folk crafts, folklore and choreography "Ternopil charms" took place in Shevchenko Park on June 12. Folk groups, ensembles of authentic dance and folk instruments performed for the people of Ternopil.

   Within the framework of the Ternopil Charms Festival, a regional competition of performers of folklore, folk rites and customs for the Volodymyr Hnatyuk Prize took place.

According to the materials  :https://info.library.te.uahttps://ternopil.te.ua ; http://biography.nbuv.gov.ua/data/data/bibliogr/1863.pdf


Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine

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