
The Scientific Issues of Ternopil Volodymyr Hnatiuk National Pedagogical University.

Series: History

The collection is included into the list of scientific professional editions of Ukraine


Certificate of state registration: series KB № 15879-4351 from 12.10.2009


Publisher: Ternopil Volodymyr Hnatiuk National Pedagogical University


Chief editor: Ivan Zulyak – PhD hab. (History), Professor
Executive editor: Andriy Klish – PhD (History), Assist. Professor


Editorial board:

Ella Bystrytska – PhD hab. (History), Professor (Ukraine);

Wacław Wieżbenec – PhD hab. (History), Professor (Poland);

Ivan Kutsyi – PhD hab. (History), Professor (Ukraine);

Oleg Malyrchuk – PhD hab. (History), Professor (Ukraine);

Mykola Moskaliuk – PhD hab. (History), Professor (Ukraine);

Iryna Skakalskaya – PhD hab. (History), Professor (Ukraine);

Volodymyr Starka – PhD (History), Professor (Ukraine);


E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Year Issue number  
2023 year №1 №2
2019 year №1  №2
2018 year №1(Ч.1) №1(Ч.2)
2017 year №1(Ч.1) №1(Ч.2) №1 (Ч.3)  №2 (Ч.1)  №2 (Ч.2)  №2 (Ч.3)
2016 year №1 (Ч.1) №1 (Ч.2) №1 (Ч.3) №1(Ч.4) №2(Ч.1)  №2(Ч.2)  №2(Ч.3)
2015 year №1(Ч.1) №1 (Ч.2) №1(Ч.3)  №2(Ч.1)  №2 (Ч.2)  №2 (Ч.3) №2(Ч.4)
2014 year №1(Ч.1) №1(Ч.2)  №1(Ч.3)  №2(Ч.1) №2(Ч.2) №2(Ч.3)
2013 year №1(Ч.1) №1(Ч.2) №2(Ч.1) №2(Ч.2)
2012 year № 1 № 2
2011 year № 1 № 2
2010 year № 1 № 2
2009 year № 1 № 2 № 3
2008 year № 1 № 2 № 3
2007 year № 1 № 2
2006 year № 1 № 2 № 3
2005 year № 1 № 2 № 3
2004 year   № 2
2003 year № 1 № 2 № 3
2002 year № 1 № 2 № 3 № 5
2001 year № 1 № 2 № 3

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[ Geri ]