
The Scientific Issues of Ternopil Volodymyr Hnatiuk National Pedagogical University.

Series: Biology

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The collection is included into the list of scientific professional editions of Ukraine


Certificate of state registration:КВ№ 15884-4356Р від 27.10.2009


Language of edition:Ukrainian, English


Publisher: Ternopil Volodymyr Hnatiuk National Pedagogical University


Journal Editor:  Drobуk Nadiya Mykhailivna

Subeditors: Hrubinko Vasyl Vasyliovych

Stoljar Oksana Borysivna

Executive Secretary: Golinei H. M.


Editorial board:

I. V. Azizov, Doctor of Biological Sciences, Professor (Azerbaijan)

O. I. Bodnar, Doctor of Biological Sciences, Professor (Ukraine)

V. I. Bumeister, Doctor of Biological Sciences, Professor (Ukraine)

S. N. Vandyuk, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor (Ukraine)

A. I. Herts, candidate of biological sciences, associate professor (Ukraine)

H. M. Golinei, candidate of agricultural sciences, associate professor (Ukraine)

L. R. Hrytsak, Doctor of Biological Sciences, Professor (Ukraine)

P. Zhymski, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Associate Professor (Poland)

I. Ya. Kaprus, Doctor of Biological Sciences, Professor (Ukraine)

V. Z. Kurant, Doctor of Biological Sciences, Professor (Ukraine)

V. G. Kur′yata, Doctor of Biological Sciences, Professor (Ukraine)

O. V. Lukash, Doctor of Biological Sciences, Professor (Ukraine)

N. V. Pasechko, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor (Ukraine)

S. V. Pyda, Doctor of Agricultural Sciences, Professor (Ukraine)

O. S. Pokotylo, Doctor of Biological Sciences, Professor (Ukraine)

S. V. Polyvany, Candidate of Biological Sciences, Associate Professor (Ukraine)

H. Fedak, Doctor of Biological Sciences, Professor (Canada)

M. M. Fedoryak, Doctor of Biological Sciences, Professor (Ukraine)

V. O. Khomenchuk, Candidate of Biological Sciences, Associate Professor (Ukraine)


+38 (0352)435901
+38 (067)3152058

e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Requirements of an article


Year Issue number
2023 year №1-2   №3-4   
2022 year №1-2    №3  №4 
2021 year №1-2    №3  №4
2020 year №1-2   №3-4   
2019 year №1  №2 №3  №4
2018 year №1 №2 №3-4  
2017 year №1 №2 №3  №4
2016 year №1 №2 №3-4  
2015 year №1  №2 №3-4  
2014 year №1  №2 №3 №4
2013 year №1 №2 №3 №4
2012 year №1 №2 №3 №4
2011 year №1 №2 №3 №4
2010 year №1  №2  №3 №4
2009 year №1-2   №3 №4
2008 year №1 №2 №3 №4
2007 year №1 №2 №3 №4
2006 year №1 №2 № 3-4  
2005 year №1-2   №3 №4
2004 year №1-2   №3-4  
2003 year №1 №2 №3-4  
2002 year №1 №2 №3 №4
2001 year №1 №2 №3 №4

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