The Scientific Issues of Ternopil Volodymyr Hnatiuk National Pedagogical University.

Series: (History of) Literature

The collection is included into the list of scientific professional editions of Ukraine

Certificate of state registration: series TP № 105/4 from 26.05.2010

Language of edition: : Ukrainian,  English

Publisher: Ternopil Volodymyr Hnatiuk National Pedagogical University

Executive editor: Mykola Tkachuk
Executive Secretary:  Olexandr  Tkachuk
Editorial board:
M. Tkachuk – Doctor of Philology, Professor.
Edward Byalka– Doctor of Philology, Professor (Poland, Wroclaw University).
Krzysztof Hushcha – Doctor of Philology, assistant professor (Poland, Wroclaw University).
Katarzyna Novakovska – Doctor of Philology (hab), assistant professor (Poland, Warsaw University).
Agnieszka Sohal – Doctor of Philology, assistant professor (Poland, Warsaw University).
T. Wilchynska – Doctor of Philology, Professor.
O. Veretyuk – Doctor of Philology, Professor.
I. Zymomrya – Doctor of Philology, Professor (Uzhgorod National University).
O. Kutsa – Doctor of Philology, Professor.
Z. Lanovyk – Doctor of Philology, Professor.
M. Lanovyk – Doctor of Philology, Professor.
O. Labaschuk – Doctor of Philology, Professor.
N. Poplavska – Doctor of Philology, Professor.
M. Zymomrya – Doctor of Philology, Professor (Drohobych State Pedagogical University named after Ivan Franko).
O. Tkachuk – Candidate of Philology, assistant professor.

Contact: +38 (0352) 436345 (please call after 20.00)


Year Issue number
2020 year №52    
2019 year №50  №51  
2018 year №48  №49  
2017 year №46 №47  
2016 year №44 №45  
2015 year № 42 № 43  
2014 year № 39 № 40 № 41
2013 year № 37 № 38  
2012 year № 34 № 35 № 36
2011 year № 31 № 32 № 33
2010 year № 29 № 30  
2009 year   № 27 № 28
2008 year № 1 (23) № 2 (24) №3 (25)
2007 year №1 (21) № 2 (22)  
2006 year №1 (19) №2 (20)  
2005 year №1 (16)     
2004 year №1 (14) №2 (15)  
2003 year №1 (13)    
2002 year №1 (11) №2 (12)  
2001 year №1 (9) №2 (10)  
2000 year №1 (6) №2 (7) №3 (8)

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