
The Scientific Issues of Ternopil Volodymyr Hnatiuk National Pedagogical University.

Series: Linguistics

The collection is included into the list of scientific professional editions of Ukraine

Certificate of state registration:: series KB №15881-4353 from 26.10.2009

Language of edition: Ukrainian, English

Publisher: Ternopil Volodymyr Hnatiuk National Pedagogical University

Journal Editor:  Tetyana Wilchynska

Editorial board:
T. Wilchynska – Doctor of Philology, Professor.
V. Greschuk – Doctor of Philology, Professor.
I. Skab – Doctor of Philology, Professor.
L. Struganets – Doctor of Philology, Professor.
I. Zadorozhna – Doctor of Philology, Professor.
Emilia Nedkova – Doctor of Philology, Professor (Bulgaria).
Ryszard Kupidura – Doctor of Philology, Professor (Poland).
A. Budzyak –Doctor of Philology, Professor.
G. Bachynska – Candidate of Philology, assistant professor.

Editorial address:
46027, Ukraine, Ternopil, M. Krivonis Str, 2, Ternopil National Pedagogical University named Volodymyr Gnatyuk
Telephone: (0352) 435865


+38 (0352) 435865 (dean's office of philological faculty);
+38 (067) 5256904 (Oksana Stepanivna)

E-mail :This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Year Issue number
2019 year №1 (31) 2019    
2018 year №1 (29) 2018 №2 (30) 2018   
2017 year №1 (27) 2017  №2 (28) 2017  
2016 year №1 (25) 2016    
2014 year № 1 (23) 2014 № 2 (24) 2014  
2012 year № 2 (21) 2011 - № 1 (22) 2012    
2011 year № 2 (19) 2008 - № 1 (20) 2011    
2009 year № 2 (17) 2007 - № 1 (18) 2008    
2007 year № 1 (16)    
2006 year № 2 (14) 2005 - № 1(15) 2006    
2005 year №1 (13)    
2004 year № 1 (11)    
2003 year № 1 (9. Ч. 1)  № 1 (9. Ч. 2) № 2 (10)
2002 year   № 2 (8)  
2001 year   № 2 (6)  
2000 year № 1    
1999 year № 1    
1998 year № 1    

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