Tytyl must

The Scientific Issues of Ternopil National Pedagogical Volodymyr Hnatiuk University. Specialization: Art Studies

 Naukovì zapiski Ternopìlʹsʹkogo nacìonalʹnogo pedagogìčnogo unìversitetu ìmenì Volodimira Gnatûka. Serìâ: Mistectvoznavstvo.

General Information
Founded: 1999.
Edition type by a specified purpose: scientific.
Category of readers: students, teachers, professors, scientists and others.
Program objectives: publication of scientific and pedagogical innovation research results.
Certificate of state registration: KV №15877-4349 issued by the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine 12.10.2009
By Resolution of MES of Ukraine from 07.10.2015 № 1021  Collected Scientific Works "Scientific Issues of Ternopil National Pedagogical Volodymyr Hnatiuk University. Series: Art Studies " are included into the list of scientific professional editions of Ukraine.
ISSN 2411-3271


The collection is included into the Scientific Index Service (SIS)

Sis Logo

Also is indexed by the international scientometric base Index Copernicus
Frequency of magazine publication: 2 times a year.
Language of publication: Ukrainian, English.
Founder: Ternopil National Pedagogical Volodymyr Hnatiuk University
Editor-in-chief: Smolyak Oleg - Doctor of Arts, Professor.




Editorial address: 46027, Ukraine. Ternopil,  Vynnychenko Str, 10, Faculty of Arts, office. 311.
+380982654382 - Editor-in-chief
+380973591862 – Executive Secretary

E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.




Nykorak Olena, Doctor of Art Studies, Professor (Lviv Polytechnic National University).
Ursu Natalia, Doctor of Art Studies, Professor (Kamianets-Podilsk Ivan Ohienko National University).
Biba Otto, Doctor Habilitatus, Professor (Friends of Music Association Archive in Vienna, Аustria).
Holubets Оrest, Doctor of Art Studies, Professor (Lviv National Art Academy).
Vypykh-Havronska Аnnа, Doctor Habilitatus, Professor (Yan Dlugosh Academy in Czestochova, Poland).
Kondratska Liudmyla, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor (Ternopil Volodymyr Hnatiuk National Pedagogical University).
Psherembsky Zbigniev Yezhy, Doctor Habilitatus, Professor (Wroclaw University, Poland).
Zuliak Іvan, Doctor of History, Professor (Ternopil Volodymyr Hnatiuk National Pedagogical University).
Markovych Maria, Candidate of Art Studies, Associate Professor (Ternopil Volodymyr Hnatiuk National Pedagogical University).
Poplavska Natalia, Doctor of Philology, Professor (Ternopil Volodymyr Hnatiuk National Pedagogical University).
Vodianyi Bogdan, Candidate of Art Studies, Associate Professor (Ternopil Volodymyr Hnatiuk National Pedagogical University).
Barmak Mykola, Doctor of History, Professor (Ternopil Volodymyr Hnatiuk National Pedagogical University).
Smoliak Pavlo, Candidate of History, Associate Professor (Ternopil Volodymyr Hnatiuk National Pedagogical University).
Korinenko Pavlo, Doctor of History, Professor (Ternopil Volodymyr Hnatiuk National Pedagogical University).

Dutchak Violetta, Doctor of Art Studies, Professor (Transcarpathian Vasyl Stefanyk National University)
Molchanova Tetiana, Doctor of Art Studies, Professor (Lviv Mykola Lysenko National Music Academy)


Year Issue number
2019 year №1  №2  
2018 year №1  №2  
2017 year №1 №2  
2016 year №1 №2  
2015 year №1    
2014 year №1 №2 №3
2013 year №1 №2  
2012 year №1 №2 №3
2011 year №1 №2  
2010 year №1    
2009 year  №1 №2  
2007 year  №1    
2006 year    №2  
2005 year  №1 №2 №3 
2004 year  №1    
2003 year  №1 №2  

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